Baltazár Hungarian Grill, Castle Hill, Budapest

After our, or rather my, disappointing lunch at 21 Magyar Vendeglo, Nancy and I continued to explore the Castle Hill area,. We took a walk around the ramparts and saw some lovely views of Buda as well as the Pest side of the Danube. Then we split up, as Nancy decided to visit Budapest’s famous baths, where she was assured she could rent a bathing … Continue reading Baltazár Hungarian Grill, Castle Hill, Budapest

21 Magyar Vendeglo, Budapest, Hungary

After that magnificent entry into Budapest, our tour of the city, and that tower cake, Nancy and I had dinner and one last night aboard ship. In the morning, Viking let us sleep in, compared to those catching flights home, and then seamlessly moved us and our luggage up to our hotel, the Hilton on the Castle Hill, for a two-night post-cruise stay. Nancy and … Continue reading 21 Magyar Vendeglo, Budapest, Hungary